Top 10 Fleeting Celebrities of 2012

Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe" was undeniably the song of the summer, and it inspired a slew of parody videos. The most memorable is an earnest, homemade tape of Harvard University's baseball team lip-synching to the ditty in a van on a long drive to a game. The players' simple, repetitive dance moves and mostly deadpan delivery have charmed over 16 million YouTube viewers since the video debuted in May. Initially uploaded as a joke to share with other team members, the video took off and was eventually featured on SportsCenter and Good Morning America. Part of its appeal is the sight of alpha-male types rocking out to a girly song while one teammate dozes off in the backseat. These good-looking baseball players are also good-hearted: after the parody began to rise in popularity, they linked it to the charity Friends of Jaclyn Foundation to bring attention to pediatric brain tumors.

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