Newsy’s Top 5 Weirdest Reality Shows of 2012
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Image: TLC
In 2012 we were allowed into the lives of some of the weirdest of the weird, all from the comfort of our own homes. Ahhh, reality TV, what would we do without it? That’s why we here at Newsy feel it is of the utmost importance to bring you a countdown. Here’s our list of the five best - err weirdest reality shows of 2012.
At our number five spot—
Discovery Channel’s Amish Mafia.
This show follows the Amish men who do the dirty work church elders can't or won’t be associated with, like smashing cars or tracking down whoremongers.
“I'm just a guy willing to do stuff for people”
“It’s an eye for an eye. Tooth for a tooth.”
“Yes there really is an Amish mafia.”
At number four—
You better red-neck-anize— its TLC’s Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. This show chronicled the lives of “Toddlers and Tiaras” star Alana Thompson and her roadkill eating, mud wrestling, disturbingly entertaining family.
“A dollar makes me holla honey boo boo.”
“If you thought she was crazy, wait till you meet the rest of her family.”
“Hold up i’m scratching my bugs.”
“We’re not rednecks.”
“Yes we are.”
At number three —
TLC’s “I Cloned My Pet.” For these people love, obsession— same thing. It’s just too hard to say goodbye when their pets die, so instead, they just pay the small fee of $ 50,000 to bring them back to life …over and over... for all time... or something like that.
“This is my dog Trouble who I would love to clone...
He came first before my husband, he came first before my parents...
The water really really means alot to me because it was the last thing trouble got to drink. His mouth was in there and that’s why I saved it.”
And we’ve got yet another TLC show at number 2—
“Extreme Cheapskates,” This show tells the story of true Americans that know the real importance of a hard earned dollar — I mean, who needs toilet paper anyway?
“I take this water bottle that I have and I rinse myself off.... If I took a dump then I also grab soap. Wipe myself down with the soap and then I take the water a rinse off the soap. I don’t believe in spending money on something that you’re just going to throw away.”
“I have about $ 7.50 can you do that for me? Yea... Jeff gets creative with food.. They’re looking pretty good. Good pair of teeth on that one.”
Mmmm, bon appetit! Oh TLC where do you find these people?— true gems.
And at number one on Newsy’s top 5 weirdest reality show countdown...
Animal Planet's “American Stuffers.” Yup, because we all want to sit on the couch and watch people’s dead pets become stuffed animals. Warning — brace yourself for this one...
“You better darn well do a perfect job with my dog.”
“I'll do my best I promise you. ... They’re gone you're not going to see them again, but in this case you are going to see them again.”
And that’s why 2012 will be a hard year to top for weird reality shows, but we have faith that in 2013 someone somewhere will shock our hearts. Human stuffers anyone?
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