Miranda Kerr makes her legs look even longer by slipping on nude heels
By Amelia Proud
Well, she is a model after all.
And if a Victoria's Secret can't show off with witty repartee or a vertiginous IQ, they should surely be able to flaunt their vital statistics... after all, they don't last as long.
With that in mind, Miranda Kerr had her long, long, long (and slender) legs on show despite the chilly Hollywood day as she attended a meeting at the legendary Sunset Tower on Sunset Boulevard.
Mellow yellow: Miranda Kerr was a ray of sunshine in a yellow blazer as she arrived at the Sunset Tower in Hollywood on Friday
And she ensured her lengthy limbs looked even longer by wearing nude heels.
She also donned a yellow blazer that transformed into a walking ray of sunshine.
But Miranda has much to shine about.
The Australian beauty is not only one of the world's most successful models and businesswoman, she is also the wife of heart throb Orlando Bloom and has an adorable little boy with him - and she's not even hit 30 yet.
The Victoria's Secret beauty posted this triumphant Instagram picture of herself on Thursday that shows off her endless legs to a tee.
Legs Eleven... out of ten: We all know Miranda has great pins
Splash of colour: Orlando's wife was in full bloom as she headed to her meet
Accompanying the snap were the words 'jump for joy' and it appears Miranda took it before she embarked on a shopping and pampering trip in Beverly Hills, California.
Wearing a striking red fedora hat and a short, slightly mannish grey overcoat, Miranda again did not seem to feel the winter chill against her bare legs.
Another reason that Miranda may have been looking so cheery was that it seems the rumours of trouble between her and husband Orlando, 35, have finally been put to rest.
Amid speculation that the pair, who have been married for roughly two years, had 'drifted apart', they attended a Christmas party on Wednesday looking very much en famille.
Businesswoman: Miranda isn't just a pretty face, and is always working on sponsorship deals
Illusion: The nude heels made Miranda's legs look even longer
The couple, along with their 23-month-old son Flynn, were spotted arriving at a friend's house the day after Christmas and couldn't have looked happier - or more together.
US celebrity magazine In Touch claimed: 'Right now, they're separated and figuring out what they want to do next.'
But Orlando's mother Sonia insisted 'everything is fine' and that the British actor and his wife are 'very happy'.
And a source close to the couple backed up Orando's mother's heated denials.
He told Mail Online: 'All these rumours are utterly false.
'They're spending the holidays together with Orlando's family. Both have been working on opposite sides of the world, and it will be their first opportunity to spend some time together.'
What an enviable sight: Model Miranda Kerr shows off her racehorse legs wearing a saucy mini dress and fedora hair in this Instagram picture on Thursday
Picture perfect: Miranda and Orlando with baby Flynn leaving a friend's Christmas party on Wednesday in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles
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