Oscars: Few Surprises, But Ratings Up
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(Image Source: AMPAS)
What were the Oscars’ biggest upsets? Surprises? First — Meryl Streep won her third statue — almost 30 years after her second. Sounds like a victory, but E! online reports...
“According to a fan poll by the advance-ticket seller Fandango, [‘The Help’’s Viola] Davis, upset for Best Actress by Meryl Streep, was cited overwhelmingly as the snubee of the night.”
The Washington Post reported from the show …
“The entire press room just went ‘Oh!’ when Streep’s name was announced. Seems we were all prepared for a Viola Davis win.”
Still — the biggest surprise might have been — no surprises at all.
Critics are calling the show, and Billy Crystal’s hosting job, bland, boring, old and out-of-touch. And MTV says — no surprises in the big win categories.
“The early word … was that silent movie ‘The Artist’ was going to run the board. ... the throwback to another era in film came on strong and swept three of the four biggies: Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Director.”
So, how to fix the show? The New Yorker reiterates what’s been talked about in recent weeks — that most of the nominees were from movies most of America hadn’t seen — like The Artist, Hugo and The Descendants, and says — bottom line — the industry must shift.
“ … [Academy members] can’t keep their houses by making movies like ‘Tree of Life’ or even ‘The Descendants,’ and they know it. The movie business as it functions all year long and the idealistic tone of Oscar night are only barely conjoined.”
But, bad reviews aside, Deadline reported Monday viewership for the show was up.
“Despite mostly negative reviews and no popular blockbusters among the movies vying for the top prizes, last night’s 84th Annual Academy Awards … [were] up 4% from last year … despite having a host, Billy Crystal, whose age was the ages of last year’s co-hosts James Franco and Anne Hathaway combined.”
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