Clint Eastwood to Empty Chair at RNC: 'You're Crazy'

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(Image source: C-SPAN)
Clint Eastwood was unveiled as the RNC’s “mystery guest,” and his speech left some scratching their heads.
EASTWOOD, VIA C-SPAN: “I’ve got Mr. Obama sitting here, and I was just gonna ask him a couple questions...”
Of course, President Obama wasn’t there. Just this empty chair. But he proceeded to talk to him anyway.
EASTWOOD: “What do you mean shut up?”
The 82-year-old actor got more than 10 minutes on stage with that empty chair. The appearance left MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow speechless.
“It’s very. Ugh. I dunno. … That was the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen at a political convention in my entire life.”
Weird for some. AWESOME for others.
Blogger John Feehery tweeted: “Eastwood was brilliant. Only he could pull off that kind of crazy speech.”
And from conservative radio host Laura Ingraham: “Empty chair to match Obama’s empty rhetoric.”
Speaking of empty chairs, after the convention ended President Obama’s re-election team sent out this Twitpic, saying “This seat’s taken”
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