Viral Lip-Dub Marriage Proposal Gets a 'Yes!'

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(Image Source: The Oregonian)
He found a creative way to pop the question and now a Portland man has a fiancé and stardom. Here’s an excerpt from actor Isaac Lamb’s proposal.
In the video, Lamb’s fiancé, Amy Frankel, watched the lip-dub version of Bruno Mars’s song “Marry You” from the back of a Honda while 60 people dance in and out of frame. At the end of the song, the crowd parts, Lamb gets down on one knee and asks Frankel to marry him.
Lamb posted the video on YouTube and it got almost 2 million views in three days. A writer for MSNBC applauded the actor and his work.
“Isaac Lamb may have just won the award for best-ever marriage proposal. (Or perhaps the award for most-viewed proposal.)”
The couple told the Oregonian they’ve received invitations to appear on Good Morning America, the Today Show and Ellen. Now the couple will have to choose the show they’ll make their first appearance on.
“"They all want to be the first to have us on their show … We’re trying to decide what to do. The tricky thing is, Isaac has shows and I start nursing school in a week. We have to pick wisely.”
“Marry You” artist Bruno Mars even gave Lamb a shout-out on Twitter, saying...
“…Congrats to Isaac Lamb and the future Mrs.. I don't think I could've made a better music video for this song. Thank you”
The couple told the Oregonian they plan to marry in a year.
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