CNN Reserves 'No Reservations' Star Anthony Bourdain

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(Image source: Eater)
Notorious globetrotter and “No Reservations” star Anthony Bourdain, is cooking up reservations on CNN.
The food mogul — chef, author and personality — is set to air in his own original programming in early 2013, leaving behind his eight-year tenure at the Travel Channel.
“I’m Anthony Bourdain. That’s right, I write. I travel. I eat. And I’m hungry for more.”
And here’s what the celebrity tweeted about the new gig...
“Moving with same [Zero Point Zero] crew over to CNN to do another world travel show. Congo? Libya? Finally?”
Bourdain’s new show will closely mimic “No Reservations.” It will be shot on location and examine cultures around the world through their “dining and traveling rituals.” A blogger for Gothamists says — Bourdain is all over the map.
“First, he was rebel chef with bestselling books on the side. Then he was a globetrotting food documentarian who bashes Paula Deen and became a target for TMZ. Now, hot off the heels of his support for eating human flesh, Bourdain is bringing his brash personality to CNN.”
Many news reports were quick to label CNN’s move “poaching.” According to a New York Times blogger, Bourdain comes at a time of “slumping rates” and “historic lows” for the cable channel notorious for live news coverage.
“In a change of direction earlier this year, the channel laid off some of its documentary producers and started acquiring documentaries and commissioning series from outside producers … That Mr. Bourdain’s as-yet-untitled program will be produced by the makers of ‘No Reservations,’ Zero Point Zero Production, is a sign of that new thinking.”
CNN says it is looking for original and opinionated programming. San Diego’s KSWB, reports on the network’s recent ratings deflation.
“Earlier this month, CNN reported two of its worst ratings weeks in 20 years.”
A writer for Television Blend suggests Bourdain will see a bigger budget with CNN and will be able to push his show to more difficult and remote international locations. The new show will air new on Saturdays — and according to WZZM — the hope is that Bourdain will bolster weekend ratings.
“CNN says it is trying to do more to distinguish its weekend programming from weekday news shows. “
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