Meet bling-loving Lola, Britain's most pampered pooch
£25,000 worth of diamonds, a £5,000 bed and a wardrobe crammed with frilly dresses: Meet bling-loving Lola, Britain's most pampered pooch
PUBLISHED: 12:59, 28 September 2012 | UPDATED: 15:33, 28 September 2012
From £5,000 pet beds to a pink and white diamond necklace worth a cool £25,000, Britain's most pampered pooch, eight year old Yorkshire Terrier Lola, wants for nothing.
And owner, Louise Harris, 33, has been getting in on the act with a matching necklace and clothes.
The stunning necklaces are made from platinum and pink and white diamonds, which have been formed into letters to spell DIVA and, incredibly, were a gift from wealthy admirers to celebrate the launch of Louise's guide to pampering pets.
Britain's most pampered pooch Yorkshire Terrier Lola is just eight years old and already owns a £25,000 diamond necklace
Owner Louise Harris lives in Essex and runs a pet b! outique called Diva Dogs
Louise, who lives in Essex and runs a pet boutique called Diva Dogs, said: 'The necklaces are so beautiful. I was stunned when they gave them to us.
'I think £25,000 might be quite a lot of money for a dog necklace but Lola is very special. She is certainly worthy of wearing such a fine piece of jewellery - she is the queen of Diva Dogs.
'But I don't think we will be wearing them just to go for walkies - from now on we will only take them out on special occasions.
In the past Louise has lavished Lola with gifts totalling £100,00, which include tiaras, clothes and a £5,000 custom made bed and the duo starred in Sky 1's 2006 documentary, A Different Breed.
Lola has been lavished with over £10,000 ! worth of gifts from owner Louise since she was a puppy
Louise has set up a world record attempt on Sunday called Diva Dog Day - hoping to gather the most dogs in outfits under one roof
Not content with being the official queen of lap dogs in Britain, Louise has set up a world record attempt on Sunday called Diva Dog Day - hoping to gather the most dogs in outfits under one roof.
Hilariously, the pair will also be wearing matching outfits consisting of a pink frilly dress covered in sparkly sequins and a pink feather headdress for the event.
The lavish pet present w! as hande d over this week as it emerged animal charities revealed they were being forced to deal with handbag dogs which have been so pampered they don't know how to walk.
Blue Cross animal centres in Britain said the number of Paris Hilton-inspired handbag dogs being handed into its care had trebled in the past 12 months - 191 pets in total.
Not that Lola is likely to end up in a rescue centre anytime soon. 'She gets a lot of gifts from me but she is well worth it [because] she helped change my life,' continues owner, Louise. 'I went from a bored, stressed city analyst to living the dream all thanks to her.'
- Diva Dog Day is taking place on Sunday from 10.30am at the Brook Farm Training Centre, in Stapleford Abbotts, Essex.
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