Imogen Thomas eats out at Japanese restaurant... as she shows off baby scan
Pregnant women are warned by doctors not to eat raw fish because they may contain high levels of mercury.
So we're sure sushi was off the menu as pregnant Imogen Thomas headed to famed Japanese restaurant Nobu Berkeley St to celebrate her latest baby scan.
The 29-year-old reality star was spotted arriving at Nobu wearing a black love-heart patterned dress on Saturday evening in Central London.
Beaming: Pregnant Imogen Thomas celebrates her five month baby scan by dining at Japanese restaurant Nobu Berkeley St
She wasn't seen with her partner Adam Horsley, but the Welsh star looked radiant as she she smiled at photographers.
It was a celebratory meal as she earlier had a a scan of her five-month-old baby.
She posted on her Twitter page on Saturday morning: ''Ohhh that was hard getting up...awwwwch the pain!! But excited for the scan :-) :-) :-) x.'
Baby joy: Imogen tweeted 'Our little surprise was very active!'
Eating for two: Imogen headed to the famed restaurant to celebrate the good news
Keeping it a surprise: Imogen doesn't want to know the sex of her baby until the big day
And she updated fans after the scan, tweeting: 'Our little surprise was very active! Punching and kicking. So much Love ♥ #5months.'
She shared her baby joy news with her fans by also tweeting the baby scan picture.
While Imogen is happy to spread the news to her fans, she keeping some parts secret for the big day.
Loved up: Imogen is expecting her child with partner Adam Horsley
She tweeted on Friday: 'I can find out the sex now but def not going to! Want the surprise :-) x'
Despite enjoying a meal for two at Nobu, Imogen has already earmarked plans to shed her baby weight a month after giving birth.
She said: 'I want my size 10 body back within four weeks. As soon as the baby's born, I'll be on a diet and working out like mad every single day as much as I can... I want to be a yummy mummy.'
Post birth plans: Imogen expects to lose her baby weight within a month of having her baby
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