Revealed: The unknown 18-year-old dancer girl who captivated the world in Olympics Opening Ceremony starring role
Revealed: The unknown 18-year-old dancer girl who captivated the world in Olympics Opening Ceremony starring role
PUBLISHED: 17:18, 28 July 2012 | UPDATED: 06:40, 29 July 2012
Rising star: Jasmine Breinburg has been a hot topic on Twitter following her performance in the Opening Ceremony
Having played a starring role in the Olympic Opening Ceremony one volunteer is clearly not short of admirers.
Viewers of the spectacular show have taken to Twitter to single out Jasmine Breinburg who had a major role in the show-stopping event.
The 18-year-old Brit School student helped to bring the programme out of the industrialisation segment of the show and into the digital age.
As part of the Frankie and June say thanks Tim segment, a tribute to British scientist Tim Berners-Lee, Jasmine shone as she played a girl who had lost her phone on a night out.
A young man who glimpsed June on the Tube picked up her lost mobile phone, and love triumphed after he chased desperately sought to find her on a night out.
Set to classic Brit tunes throughout the last 40 years, Jasmine clearly dazzled.
That scene: Jasmine Breinburg shares a moment with a fellow volunteer as part of their segment, Frankie and June say thanks Tim
One Twitter user is clearly an admirer of the 18-year-old volunteer who impressed on Friday night
Another fan posts his thoughts on the youngster
Doug Furman wrote: 'Jasmine Breinburg you made the opening ceremonies so much better. So fine.
K ieran JD said: 'I think I'm in love with Jasmine Breinburg. She is beautiful!'
Taylor Williams added: 'Jasmine Breinburg, you're absolutely stunning and your performance was perfect.'
The segment ends with Jasmine sharing a kiss with her male counterpart much to the delight of the audience.
The scale of the show, watched by an estimated billion people worldwide, was clearly starting to hit home for Jasmine last night however.
She said: 'It was amazing, that's an understatement, it was absolutely crazy.
Digital age: Her performance was meant to represent the moves made in technology in the last few years
'The role wasn't fully described and I don't think I initially understood just how big it would all be.
'Beforehand you are the practices with people you are now friends with and have become close with and it seems normal.
'Then all of a sudden you look up and see your face on the big screen and think... oh, that's crazy.'
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