The Only 13 Celebrity Costumes That Matter

13. Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison as Courtney Stoddens

What can you say about two people in love who obviously have a very normal and healthy sexual relationship? Not much. But there’s a lot to say about Courtney Stodden and her husband Newbown Benjamin Button, especially this Halloween, where they dressed up as slutty twins.

(Photo via Celebuzz)

12. Alex McCord and Simon Van Kempen as
Frankenstein and his bride… The Bride of Frankenstein

Posted mainly to ask: That’s his real forehead right? Teresa Giudice must be drooling with envy. Also I kind of miss these two fame-hungry lugs.

11. Snooki as A Nasty Pussy

I believe the French would call this costume APROPOS. Then again she could also easily pass for Batman’s nemesis Melanoma. Speaking of witch…

10. Kim Kardashian as Poison Ivy

Sure, she’s getting divorced today, but why not celebrate this million year old holiday by dressing up to look like Leafy Abe Vigoda? Also I’d keep those leaves away from “down there” if I were you Kim. Ray J was bad enough.

9. Ice-T and Coco as Hannibal Lecter and a Sexy Fava Bean

It’s a good thing that step and repeat clarifies that they’re at the LAX nightclub and not the LAX airport. Though it would be handy to X-ray Coco and once and for all figure out of dat ass is indeed real.

8. Camille Grammer as a Sexy Swashbuckler

Why is this notable? BECAUSE THIS IS MY COSTUME. No, really, I wore the exact same thing Saturday night (to be fair, my jacket is black velvet and not the elegant jacquard you see above). But I have the hat. And Kelsey Grammer’s number. YOU DO THE MATH. (Where Frasier sex equals why??)

7. Holly Robinson-Peete as Lil Wayne

If she would have shown up like this to the taping’s of “The Talk,” she never would have gotten fired.

6. Kathie Lee-Gifford as Drunk Princess Beatrice

America’s Real Queen. She’s not even all that trashed here! (*She is.)

5. Adam Lambert as… Adammier Lambert

Not really sure what Adam is here alongside boyfriend Sauli. The only thing I could figure out is that he’s Even Adammier Lambert. All I know is I want those brows.

4. Anderson Cooper as Phil Donahue

Just when you thought HE COULDN’T GET MORE ATTRACTIVE.

3. Meredith Vieira as Queen Elizabeth

There’s really only one reason our beloved Meredith is on this list… and that reason is…

2. Kelly Ripa as Eden Wood

Kelly’s adorable but let’s face it… Eden Wood would still kick her ass in a pageant. It’s just the way it is Ripa.

1. Heidi Klum as The Bodies Exhibit

You knew it was coming. Halloween showstopper extraordinaire Heidi Klum has finally given the millions of people the opportunity to see her naked. And she’s hotter than we ever imagined!

No but reall, going as the Bodies Exhibit is a genius idea. But why oh why did they have to give her Lohan teeth?

Bless her and her crazy Halloween ways. This is exactly what we needed in order to forgive her for this year’sProject Runway winner.

“Gotta go guys! My ride is here!!” Best way to leave a party!

Let me know your favorite costumes that you saw this weekend and link us to photos of your own costumes!! And be sure to check out The Fab Life’s Halloween coverage!

[Photos: Getty, Splash]

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