Latest Pictures of Paris Hilton Smiling Between Business Meetings
Paris Hilton gives a wave and snaps a photo of the photographers while walking down Beverly Drive to a a parking garage. (Bauer Griffin)
Paris Hilton (Bauer Griffin) Paris Hilton is one busy gal! She was out and about in an awesome sparkly jacket yesterday while bouncing from one business meeting to another. The reality star has lots of big projects in the works, so her schedule is extra packed these days.
Ms. Hilton tweeted: "Just finished my business meeting & on my way to another one. Another long day ahead. Can't wait for weekend!"
But, it's not all work for Paris. She went to a super fun party at a cemetery last night with her sister, brother and their friends. Sounds spooky! Hopefully the blonde wore one of her super hot new Halloween costumes. She apparently ordered a bunch online, and will be wearing them at tons of fun parties this weekend. Work hard, play hard!
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