Lindsay Lohan Can’t Face Court Without Mama Dina By Her Side
Lindsay Lohan will be up before Judge Sauntner on November 2 facing up to 18 months of jail time and she is so terrified that she is demanding her mother, Dina Lohan, be there to stand by her.
Of course we didn’t think she’d be wanting dear old dad anywhere in the vicinity – and it wouldn’t matter anyway as Michael Lohan remains jailed after his rather poor Tarzan imitation
on Oct 27 when he went flying of a hotel room balcony and crashed into trees – all while fleeing arrest. Papa Lohan remains locked up after he failed Saturday to convince the judge he should be freed.
TMZ reports: Sources close to Lindsay say Dina will be making the trip from NY to LA to be with Lindsay as she gets ready to face Judge Sauntner. We’re told Lindsay asked Dina to make the trip, and even booked the flight herself … something we’re told Lindsay only does when she is particularly worried about what might happen.
Lindsay’s probation was revoked Wednesday morning and she was taken from a Los Angeles courtroom in handcuffs. She posted her $100,000 bail through a bail bondsman who was waiting in the courtroom and was subsequently released with an order to return for another hearing on Nov. 2.
It was an angry Judge Stephanie Sautner she faced that day and it will be that same scowling woman who decides her fate this coming Wednesday. Still, I think Lindsay’s chances of walking out of court after Wednesday’s hearing are good. After all what has she done wrong – not very much really – she has hurt nobody and is no danger to society. I say leave Lindsay Lohan alone – go arrest and lock up the criminals in Washington and on Wall Street. But that would be very difficult… so instead they pick on Lindsay. Remember that most judges are appointed by the very same people in power who have really screwed over the common person – the fix is in!
Lindsay Lohan Forms Friendship With Politician

It pays to have pals in high places: Lindsay Lohan has become fast friends with a high-profile Washington wheeler-dealer.
Well, that’s the story Star Magazine Gossip Girl/Grownup Mafia Princess Victoria Gotti is telling, anyway.
According to Gotti, Lindsay — who was until recently signed on to play Vicky’s sister-in-law in the upcoming biopic Gotti: Three Generations — has become “special friends” (Use your imagination, children…) with a “well-connected” Washington politician. And the down-on-her luck LiLo hopes her “mystery man” can help her fight her many legal woes.
In the Nov. 7 issue of Star’s “Victoria Gotti’s Secrets Column,” Vicky writes:
“Lindsay has managed to form a friendship with a political type. He’s promised he’ll help her get out of trouble ASAP. She’s been consumed with the notion she might be thrown back in the slammer, but the new friend has put her fears at bay and is offering her hope of getting the whole incident squashed.”
It sounds like Ole Lindsay is finally developing better taste in men. Though we think what she really needs is few of them to taste!
Lindsay is facing up to 18 months behind bars after viiolating the terms of her probation. Earlier this month, Lohan’s probation for a 2007 drunken driving case and for swiping a $2,500 necklace from a small jewelry shop in January was revoked. The revocation came after the future Playboy centerfold showed up late for work at the shelter multiple times, missed nine appointments and sparred with employees and residents at the Downtown Women’s Shelter in Los Angeles, where she’d been ordered to complete community service as part of her sentence. She’s only completed 21 hours of a total 339 hours, which must be fulfilled by May 2012.
Another hearing on the probation matter has been set for Nov. 2 at 10 AM PT at the Los Angeles Superior Court West District Airport Courthouse.
Michael Lohan’s Phone Is Apparently Stalking Kate Major

Yesterday I told you about LiLo’s dad getting almost as familiar with law enforcement as she is, and that the whole thing has caused his girlfriend Kate Major to get the heave-ho from her ritzy condo.
Now, even though Michael’s locked up, his phone seems to have a mind of its own and keeps calling her.
Major summoned the popo on Saturday morning and said that while she was out late Friday night, she got a call from Michael’s phone. She wasn’t home at the time, but since she’s one of the eight people in the US who still has a landline, she saw the missed call when she dragged her drama-laden ass in at the wee hours.
Cops showed up at Major’s house to talk to her (giving her neighbors yet another reason to shower her with kisses), but said Michael couldn’t have called her because he’s still in jail and under “supervised custody.”
As they told TMZ:
“It would appear that someone other than her ex-[boyfriend] had access to the cell phone.”
So for once, he’s in the clear. But maybe he’s trained his cell phone to carry on its evil hijinx even in his absence.