Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes to Divorce

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(Image source: Fox News)
Superstar couple Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are ending their five-year marriage. Here’s Fox News with the headline.
“Her attorney calls it a ‘personal and private matter’... The 33-year-old Holmes and 49-year-old Cruise married in a lavish ceremony at an Italian castle back in 2006. This was Holmes’ first marriage and Cruise’s third.”
Cruise and Holmes have one child together, six-year-old Suri. As is customary for all mega-star splits — speculation about what caused the pair to part was a main theme in the coverage.
“This idea of wanting to have another child and Tom just kind of wanting her to focus on Suri and be sort of a housewife of sorts has been a real issue in this relationship.” (HLN)
“There are reports that Katie Holmes is actually fighting for sole custody and that she is actually the one who filed for divorce...” (CBC)
Male anchor “Gotta tell you, I saw this one coming. You remember her father had reservations about the whole thing, she was raised Catholic, and there’s the Scientology and all that stuff.”
Female anchor: “And he’s so weird.”
And from speculation about a cause — to speculation about possible effects.
The LA Times wonders if the divorce will help or hurt Cruise’s movie career, after his most recent “Rock of Ages” underperformed at the box office.
And of course — a lot of curiosity about what the split means for the couple’s six-year-old daughter. (TMZ)
But instead of looking forward — other media outlets are choosing to look back.
Like this piece in The San Francisco Chronicle that looks at the duo through the years.
Or this one from USA Today: “Tom and Katie: The way they were”.
The couple reportedly has a prenup agreement that entitles Holmes to a few million dollars for each year the couple is married.
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