Heavily pregnant Sienna Miller gushes over baby India after bumping into Chris Hemsworth and wife Elsa Pataky
She's in the final stages of her pregnancy which can be uncomfortable for any mother-to-be.
So it must have been nice for Sienna Miller to see just what she can expect when she welcomes her first child into the world.
The heavily pregnant British actress bumped into Chris Hemsworth and his wife Elsa Pataky in London on Sunday and the mother-to-be wasted no time cooing over their tiny baby girl India.
Fancy meeting you here! Sienna Miller bumped into Chris Hemsworth, his wife Elsa Pataky who were taking their baby daughter for a stroll
Sienna,30, was out enjoying a stroll with her mother Jo when she ran into the superstar couple, who were out enjoying the day with their baby.
The Factory Girl star wasted no time in peering into the pram to take a good look at India, who is just a month and a half old.
Chris and Elsa smiled as proud parents as Sienna and her mother gushed over the little girl.
Let's have a look at her: Sienna and her mother Jo wasted no time gushing over the couple's daughter India
Group huddle: The Miller women peered in close to the baby stroller to get a good luck at the little girl who is just a month and a half old
Bump on board: The30-year-old actress was wearing a navy and had her heavily pregnant shape on display
And judging from her beaming smile Sienna just can't wait to become a mother.
The actress may well be getting a little tired carrying around her huge bump and Sienna was seen taking a seat at a nearby cafe.
The blonde star was dressed in a loose-fitting oversized navy jumper, but it failed to cover her protruding bump.
Big smiles all round: Sienna was beaming as she chatted to Elsa. The actress is no doubt extremely excited at the prospect of welcoming her child soon
What's so funny? Elsa was seen putting her arm on Sienna as the group shared a joke together
She teamed the garment with a pair of grey leggings and a pair of flat shoes.
Sienna will be expecting her own child with beau Tom Sturridge very soon.
News of her pregnancy broke in January when the couple told family and friends of their baby joy.
Off to find somewhere to sit down: Sienna appeared in need of a seat and made her way to a nearby cafe
Finally a rest: Sienna and her mother took a seat at a table while Elsa made her way inside the eatery
Not long now: Sienna's big bump was clear through her outfit
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