Josh Hutcherson Bought Whiskey Illegally
Josh Hutcherson, who is 19 years-old and appeared in Hunger Games, bought himself a $ 170 bottle of Macallan whisky at Ralph's grocery store with a fake ID in Sherman Oaks, California. The legal age to buy alcohol is 21 years-old. Josh recently said:
"I think the age to go to war is 18, so I think the drinking age should be 18 as well."
I totally agree, and for a while in places like Idaho it was. What many people don't know is that military personnel can all buy alcohol on base, even if they are under 21 years-old. Besides breaking the law, the people who could really suffer is Ralph's, and the employee who sold him the alcohol who could end up in jail. Josh may not agree with the law, but that doesn't make it right for him to hurt other people by making them accomplaces to his crime. Ralph's spokesman said when they saw the picture above:
"We strictly enforce all laws relating to the sale of alcohol to minors. We will investigate these allegations and take any steps necessary."
Josh is one celebrity that doesn't understand what doing the right thing means.
Posted on April 28, 2012 at 2:19 pm (PST)
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