Why Did Michelle Obama Present an Oscar?

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Image Source: CLIP COURTESY A.M.P.A.S. © 2013


Is it mixing business with pleasure? Is it the crossover of two worlds that George from ‘Seinfeld’ so deeply feared? Either way -- it happened. In what’s being called one of the biggest surprises of the night -- First Lady Michelle Obama was a presenter at Sunday’s Oscars.

JACK NICHOLSON: “Live, from The White House -- the First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama.”
MICHELLE OBAMA: “Every day through engagement in the arts, our children learn to open their imaginations, to dream just a little bigger and to strive everyday to reach those dreams, and I want to thank all of you here tonight for being part of that vitally important work.”

OBAMA: “The Oscar goes to...Argo!”

The San Jose Mercury News says Mrs. Obama definitely one-upped former President Bill Clinton’s surprise appearance at the Golden Globes.

And her appearance was even via video. But the big question -- why was FLOTUS there? E! Online did some investigating, but didn’t turn up a whole lot of answers. Here’s a statement from the Communications Director to the First Lady.

“The Academy Awards approached the First Lady about being a part of the ceremony ... As a movie lover, she was honored to present the award and celebrate the artists who inspire us all—especially our young people—with their passion, skill and imagination."

But Deadline has some further insight...

“The idea of getting the First Lady on the show first came from Lily Weinstein, who mentioned it to her big Obama contributor dad Harvey, who suggested it to the Oscar producers ... The group flew to DC a week and a half ago to put the logistics together with the White House.”

Aren’t the Weinsteins just behind everything in Hollywood?

And People Magazine kind of said what we were all thinking -- did she get that dressed up just for this video? No.

“Though it would have made our night if she had gotten dressed to the nines just to present the award from the White House, Obama actually was taking a quick break from hosting the Governors Dinner...”

And this wasn’t Mrs. Obama’s first foray into the arts for the weekend -- her Friday night appearance on ‘Late Night With Jimmy Fallon’! featured a fun vid about the “evolution of mom dance.”

And it quickly went viral...

Mom dancing, Oscars presenting. She really can do it all.

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