Joseph Gordon-Levitt Rumored to Be The Next Batman
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Image: (Warner Bros.)
Warner Brother’s ‘Justice League’ is set to release in 2015. But this time, it won't be Christian Bale suiting up as the Dark Knight. Hitfix has the exclusive.
“Over the last couple of weeks, that speculation seems to have turned into conversation, and that conversation seems to be solidifying into a plan. According to sources, Joseph Gordon-Levitt absolutely will be appearing in ‘Justice League’ as the new Batman.”
But the rumors don’t stop there. says it looks like Gordon-Levitt might have to get into the batsuit even earlier than that.
It is rumored that Warner might have Gordon-Levitt appear in Zack Snyder’s Superman reboot, Man of Steel. Which is set for 2013.
“The idea makes plenty of sense, especially since TDKR mastermind Christopher Nolan is credited as a producer and a writer on Man of Steel.”
But, wait a second - wasn’t Gordon-Levitt supposed to be a different superhero? G4TV has the fans responses.
Gustavo Valdez posted...
“Joseph Gordon-Levitt should be Batman, since the end of TDKR shows him becoming the next Batman :)”
But Dylan Jenkins seems to disagree...
“he wasn't becoming the next batman.... he's robin, not batman.”
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