'Half Ton Killer' Speaks Out on Anderson
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Image Source: Anderson Live
Mayra Rosales first made headlines as TLC’s “Half-Ton Killer” after confessing to the murder of her 2-year-old nephew, saying she rolled on top of him. She appeared on “Anderson Live” Tuesday to talk about the case.
"After the confession, she was arrested, but was too big to fit in a jail cell or even leave her home and had to be cut out of her room by a team of 10 men."
“Most people who get arrested get taken before the judge and he set her a bond. This case was different. They couldn’t take her before the judge.”
But the weight ended up being her own defense. At over 1,000 pounds, she was deemed too big to move in such a way that would cause great trauma to the boy. She had trouble even lifting her arms.
"Turns out, she was covering for her sister who had a history of abuse and killed her son after beating him with a hair brush. Mayra shockingly revealed on the show THAT SHE HAS FORGIVEN her for that."
“I did forgive her. I don’t have nothing against her.”
“You’re saying you don’t have anything against her. She killed your nephew.”
“Yes, but she’s still my sister and I love her.”
She may not have actually murdered her nephew, but Mayra can’t shake the nickname ‘The Half-Ton Killer.’
“I don’t like that title.”
“Every time I talk about it, I relive it and it’s hard.”
Despite the fact that Mayra was cleared of the murder, many think that nobody is innocent in this case and that Child Protective Services should have stepped in sooner. Here’s Nancy Grace on HLN —
“She sat by as a little child was beaten over and over and over. CPS was in the home repeatedly. They left that child with these two demons.”
Jaime Rosales was sentenced to 15 years in prison, but now, after two years she has the possibility of being released on parole. Her other children are with their grandmother.
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